The baby's immune system is not fully formed. This condition causes babies to become susceptible to disease, both infections from bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Well, without you realizing it, actually the source of the germs is around the baby. What are the sources of germs around the baby that you often miss? Come on, see the following review.
Various sources of germs around the baby

Without your guessing, various things that look safe can save the risk of transmitting germs to babies. Some of them are very close to babies. For example the following:
1. Baby equipment and toys
Did you know that baby equipment and toys can be a source of germs around babies? Germs, fungi, and bacteria can move and develop on these objects. Starting with milk bottles, pacifiers, blankets, clothes, tableware, to toys that accompany your baby every day.
For example, bacterial growth in baby milk bottles. Milk in the bottle cannot last long and can become a nest for bacteria to develop. If the milk bottle is not washed clean, bacteria that are still attached can mix with new milk and enter the body of the child when taken.
The same is true if you don't wash toys, clothes, baby blankets cleanly and store them originally. The bacteria certainly will not disappear completely so that it can stick to the baby's skin and enter his body easily.
2. Pets at home
Do you have a pet at home? Of course, it's very fun to see the interaction of pets that you care about with your little one. However, you still need to be vigilant because pets can be a source of germs around the baby.
Pets that move here and there can be exposed to germs from various places. As he approaches, attaches, and even licks the baby's skin and toys, the germs will move immediately.
In some cases, furry animals also have scabies mites. Although it does not cause scabies in infants, itching and skin irritation can occur if the baby is exposed to these mites.
3. Family members or visiting guests
Who else is very close to the little one, besides pets and toys that can be a source of germs? The answer is you and the people around your baby. Why is that?
Every day you do various activities and touch many things. These very easy to move germs can stick to clothing and skin without realizing it because of its very small size. Usually, the transmission of germs occurs when you hug, hold, kiss, and touch the baby without washing your hands beforehand.
Likewise with relatives or families who come to visit to see babies. If they have not washed their hands, the baby is susceptible to exposure to germs.
How to protect babies from germs
So that your child is free of disease, there are certain precautions you need to take. Considering the source of bacteria is very close to your child, extra attention to the cleanliness of baby equipment, blankets and sheets, toys, pets, and people around him is very necessary.
Now, some of the things you need to do to protect babies from bacteria that can transmit diseases, including:
- Wash hands before playing with your little one. Germs that stick to the skin, especially the hands, will disappear if you wash your hands. However, washing your hands that you have to do is not just wet your hands. You need antibacterial soap that is effective in killing germs. Don't forget, rinse your hands thoroughly with running water.
- Pay attention to pet hygiene. So that germs do not stick to pet dander, you must diligently bathe it. If necessary, ask for help from a veterinarian or animal care services so that animal hygiene and health are always maintained.
- Clean baby equipment and toys properly. In order for germs to be killed, you must wash equipment, such as blankets, pillowcases, clothes, and baby toys to clean. Use antiseptic fluids to clean the baby's equipment and toys to protect babies from bacteria. Then store in a dry and closed place.
- Ask guests or babysitters to keep clean. Especially when they are near the baby or when taking care of the baby. Always provide antibacterial soap or wet wipes at home so that people around your baby are more likely to maintain cleanliness.