It is normal when the baby's eyes are torn when they wake up, which is formed because the eyes do not blink during sleep resulting in mucus in the corner of the eye. But not infrequently, you may notice that the baby's eyes keep releasing even though not just waking up. What's the cause, huh?
Why are the baby's eyes running tight?

The eye drop is a collection of tears, mucus, oil, dust, and dirt formed in the corners of the eye. This is normal when a new baby wakes up because it does not involve a blinking motion that should cleanse all the dirt so that it does not enter the eyes.
What if the baby's eyes continue to run even though they haven't just woken up? Some of the following can be possible causes:
1. Channels of baby's tears are blocked
A tear duct obstruction, or nasolacrimal duct obstruction in its medical language, is a condition when tears cannot re-enter the eye canal. Finally, the baby's tears keep pooling on the surface of the eye or continue to flow out as if still crying.
Although it can be experienced by anyone, this condition is more common in newborns. Clogged tear ducts can make the baby's eyes runny because the pooled liquid will spread to the corner of the eye when the baby blinks.
Because there is a blockage, the tears will continue to be in the corner of the eye and then join with dust and dirt. This is what keeps the baby out of the eyes.
2. The baby's eyes dry
Water, oil, mucus, and antibodies are the main constituent components of tears. If there is an imbalance in one of these components or there is a disruption in the tear gland, automatic production of tears will be hampered.
As a result, the baby's eyes will dry out because they don't get enough fluid to lubricate all parts of the eye. In order to overcome this, the eyes will produce a tear but with components that are not the same as real tears.
The spare tear component is more dominated by mucus, which causes the baby's eyes to bend.
3. Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis is an eye pain characterized by red and itchy eyes. This condition will usually stimulate the eye to produce more mucus and fluid. Gradually, because of the large amount of mucus that can form spots that appear in the corners of the baby's eyes.