Briggs, Psy.D., a leader of the Healthy Steps program at Montefiore Medical Center in New York, revealed to Parents that the first year of life was the most important and most influential period in human life. Therefore, you should not underestimate the growth and development of babies in their first year.
Come on, see the development of a baby from birth until he reaches the following 1 year.
The importance of knowing the baby's development

Every month, your baby will show new developments that support his abilities later. As a parent, you need to know every inch of this development so you know whether your baby has followed the "path" right or not.
However, it is important to understand that every child develops at different speeds. The same thing was expressed by a pediatrician and author of Heading Home with Your Newborn, Jennifer Shu.
Quoted from the WebMD page, Shu said that the little one might already be able to show other skills that have not been shown by other children his age. On the other hand, he may be slower to master the skills that most children have at their disposal.
So, don't worry quickly if your child doesn't bring up the same development as his or her age. Who knows, your child will bring out other skills that his or her age cannot show. Always remember that each person is basically unique so that the development of one child cannot be generalized with other children.
Development of newborns up to the age of 3 months
Although each child has a different development, generally newborns up to the age of 3 months will smile more often themselves. So, don't be surprised when you see a newborn baby smiling on his own even though you don't invite him to joke.
As with adults, babies smile because they respond to something or are feeling happy. This is a natural reflex that every baby has since they are in the womb.
Stepping on the age of two to three months, the smile that the baby raises is no longer spontaneous which comes from the stimulation of his brain. The baby will begin to smile as a result of responding to various things he sees.
In addition, the baby will also respond to stimulation of sounds that appear, such as the sound of the mother, father, or toy. The response given by this baby is with a smile.
Besides smiling, in this age range, babies also usually can:
- Lifting his head and chest when he is in a prone position.
- Focusing on both eyes and following the movements of objects by turning their faces from one side to the other.
- Playing his fingers by opening and closing fingers, holding objects in hand, and inserting fingers into the mouth.
- Actively playing his feet and often kicking his legs.
- Can distinguish between sounds known as other sounds.
- Start looking for the source of the sound that comes.
- Try to pick up or grab hanging objects, even though he can't reach them yet.
Development of infants aged 4 to 6 months
In these months, babies really learn to reach objects that are around them and are more active than usual. Yes, your little one has also started babbling frequently by giving off his baby language.
In general, in this age range your baby can usually:
- Smile to strangers, especially when other people look directly into their eyes, play or talk to them.
- Start being able to make eye contact with you. When you are not there, the baby will try to find it by crying.
- Trying to take toys that are far from reach.
- Roll from your face down to your back, and vice versa.
- Rattling one or two words. For example, say ga-ga-ba, ba-ba-ba, ma-ma, da-da-da.
- Laughing out loud when invited to play.
- If he is set up, his feet can step on the floor.
- It can be positioned sitting even though it must be supported.
Development of 7-9 month old babies
Most babies at this age start learning to crawl. Even so, some babies may not show this development at all and can immediately walk on their own. Not only that, but some babies may also be able to crawl backward, instead of advancing. All of these things are normal. As long as your child is able to coordinate his hands and feet well, you don't need to worry.
During this period, your baby usually can:
- Crawling, including pushing his body slightly by the arm or leg, and crawling with his hands and knees.
- Can sit alone from all fours without having to be held or supported.
- Learn to stand by holding on to the objects around it.
- Clap or wave like a "kiss bye"
- Say "mama" or "chest" clearly.
- Can lift something with your thumb and forefinger.
- Bring up various facial expressions and body movements. If you see someone else crying he might cry as much as he can.
Development of infants aged 10 to 12 months
At this age, your baby may already say "mama" or "daddy" for the first time and can communicate using body language, such as pointing and shaking his head.
Your baby will pay more attention to your words and gestures and try hard to follow you. Kadi, be careful with your words and behavior! Remember, children are great imitators.
At this stage, children usually can:
- Hold small objects such as O-shaped cereals using their thumbs and index finger.
- Stand-alone or even walk (with or without the help of others).
- Point to the object they want to get your attention.
- Already responsive when invited to speak, for example, say no to things he doesn't like or say yes to things he likes.
- Start picking food, refusing food after a few bites, and even can eat food in the mouth.