Chocolate derived from cocoa beans can often be used as flavor variants in foods or beverages. From adults, teenagers and even children too. However, when can children eat chocolate? Come on, find the right moment for the kids to eat the next chocolate.
When can children eat chocolate?

The baby's first food is breast milk, which is given exclusively until the age of 6 months. At this age, babies will still be breastfed until they are 2 years old. However, at this time, your child should also be introduced to other foods and beverages, including water, juices and other solid foods.
Although your child has been given the green light to introduce solid foods, you are certainly still confused about when to eat chocolate. The reason is that many children's foods have chocolate flavor variants. So, when is the right moment?
There is no standard rule for when to give chocolate to children. Some say the age of 1 year and some suggest the age of 2 years. So, the best thing to do is to consult a doctor first. Your doctor will guide you to introduce solid foods to children based on their age, including chocolate.
Why cannot children under one year of age eat chocolate?
Babies under 1 year of age do not eat chocolate for many reasons, including:
1. May cause an allergic reaction
Chocolate is included in the list of foods that trigger allergies, such as milk, nuts, and wheat. The allergic risk will be greater if there are family members of babies also allergic to chocolate.
Why This is due to the content of chocolate that triggers the release of histamine, a compound produced by the central nervous system that stimulates allergic symptoms.
Like food allergies in general, chocolate allergies also cause symptoms of rashes and itchy skin, nausea and vomiting, heartburn and swelling of the face.
2. Causing indigestion
Before the age of 1 year, the baby's digestive system is still not perfect. That's why they are very susceptible to diarrhea or constipation. If the digestive system is not ready, giving the baby chocolate will be risky. It is, therefore, best to train children to eat chocolate at the age of 1 year.
3. There is caffeine content
Like coffee, chocolate also contains caffeine. Caffeine is a chemical that affects the central nervous system and makes a person more alert. A teaspoon of milk chocolate contains about 1 mg of caffeine. While a teaspoon of dark chocolate contains about 4 milligrams of caffeine.
Children under 1 year should avoid caffeine. Because caffeine can interfere with the child's daily routine, which is bedtime.
4. Damage to teeth
Infants under 1-year-old have multiple teeth. Although not yet complete, if at this age children eat chocolate, the risk of tooth decay can occur. Because cleaning baby's teeth is harder than the teeth of a more mature child.
Chocolate containing sugar is very much preferred by oral bacteria. The more chocolate you consume, the more acid-producing bacteria are active and damage your teeth. As a result, increased acid production can cause cavities or other mouth problems in infants.