Make it perfect when the weather is hot, the watermelon can be the choice. This summer fruit contains lots of water and tastes sweet. It must be very refreshing, right? Besides being able to be enjoyed by you, this summer fruit can also be used as a tasty and nutritious snack for babies. However, when can babies eat watermelon? Let's find out the answer below.
When can babies eat watermelon?

Along with its growth, babies will definitely try various types of food. Starting from breast milk, fruit juice, to enjoy the fruit directly. At the age of 6 months, your little one starts to introduce delicate foods, such as pounded bananas. Then, he will be introduced again with a crisper taste and texture of food, like watermelon.
Watermelon fruit contains rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, fiber, calcium, and iron. All the watermelon nutrients are very beneficial for the health of the baby's body. Starting from improving the immune system and eye health, strengthening bones, and supporting the functioning of the digestive system to work properly.
Introducing watermelons to babies should not be arbitrary. One of them must know the right time for babies to eat watermelon.
Most babies are ready to eat watermelon in the age range of 8 to 10 months. But remember, every child has the readiness to feel various foods at different ages, can be faster or slower than other children.
So, do not force the baby if he is not ready. Apart from age, there are a number of things you need to consider before giving watermelon to babies, namely:
- The baby has teething to digest food
- Babies are used to chewing food first before swallowing it
How to serve watermelon for babies

Although the watermelon is soft, runny and easily bitten, choosing and serving watermelons for babies should not be of origin. So that the baby can eat watermelon without problems, follow the following tips.
1. Choose fresh fruit
The best watermelon is fresh fruit. Besides that, it is still in its full form, not the one that has been cut into pieces. Why? Fruits that have been opened part of the meat are usually not fresh and easily contaminated with bacteria.
2. Don't cut too large pieces of fruit
Adults certainly can eat fruit easily even though the size is quite large. This is different from children, especially for babies. So to avoid choking babies when eating watermelon, serve watermelon in small pieces - the size of a small bite.
Apart from being cut into small pieces, you can also pound it first so that the child does not need to work hard to chew it.
3. Remove the seeds
Watermelon fruit has many seeds. Although it's not dangerous to eat, you should still clean it first. This makes it easy for babies to enjoy fruit comfortably.
4. Make sure the baby eats watermelon in the right position
In addition to the size of the fruit that is too large, the position of the body that is not suitable when eating also causes the baby choking. To prevent the baby from choking while eating watermelon, position the baby to sit upright.