When hugging or holding a baby, you may have seen your child show body reflexes. This is a spontaneous movement performed by a newborn baby. One of the reflexes in the baby, namely rooting reflex. What's the rooting reflex in the baby and when does the little one show this reflex? Come on, find out the answer in the review below.
The type of reflex rooting in the baby

Rooting reflex is one type of reflex that occurs in infants. The baby's body movements are marked by the baby opening the mouth when you touch the skin around the mouth and cheeks. In addition, the baby will also try to get your fingers to your mouth by moving your head.
This reflex in the baby is not a movement that does not contain meaning. This is the transition of newborns in order to adapt and survive in new environments. This rooting reflex also allows babies to find milk bottles to start breastfeeding.
Rooting reflexes in infants are different from sucking reflexes or sucking reflexes. Rooting reflex occurs first to help the baby find a breast or pacifier in a milk bottle.
Meanwhile, sucking reflexes will appear afterward to help the baby suck the nipple or pacifier to get milk or milk. Although different, the second purpose of this reflex is the same, which is to help the baby get food.
When does the baby show reflex rooting?
Actually, various types of reflexes are already in the baby's womb, including rooting reflexes. However, it will be obvious after he was born into the world. So, in the first few months, some babies can show reflexes to open their mouth when your hands touch the skin near the lips.
In the next three weeks, most babies can turn their heads and move their heads to put their hands in their mouths. At the age of 4 months, this reflex will be lost because the baby can get the nipple or bottle nipples without the trouble of searching for it.
However, not all rooting reflexes in infants will be shown at the same time in general. For example, in premature babies. This baby born earlier may show rooting reflexes at the age of 28 to 30 weeks. Don't worry, even though it is slower to expand the rooting reflex, most babies can develop sucking reflexes.
To facilitate your baby's breastfeeding, you need to direct the nipple or milk bottle directly to his mouth. Do it slowly, until the baby can find the nipple or pacifier by itself. For premature babies who get food by intravenous (food hose), ask your doctor to help you plan your own baby at home.
Immediately go to the doctor, if the baby experiences this
Reflexes in infants such as rooting reflexes are mastered in different times. If you or your baby seems to have difficulty, don't hesitate to consult a doctor. Especially if you are worried if your child lacks enough food in the first few days because it is slow to master reflexes.
To find out the fulfillment of the needs of breastmilk in small after he was born, you can check it by noticing the baby's diaper. Infants aged 3 days who breastfeed well, usually spend 3 diapers per day. Then, the number of diapers will increase on the fifth day.