The baby's emotional development took place rapidly during his first year. As the moon increases, the baby begins to be able to respond to the people closest to him by smiling, speaking, and laughing. Loose laughter is a sign that he is interested in something and feels happy. This often makes many parents curious, at what age can babies laugh?
At what age do babies start to laugh?

Most babies begin to smile from the age of 6 weeks to 3 months. Then, the baby starts to laugh clearly at the age of 3-4 months. The baby's first laughter usually appears because he sees things that make him happy, such as his favorite toys, pets at home, or his parents.
Baby laughter does sound adorable for parents. But, do you know? Apparently, you are not the only one who likes that. One reason why babies love to laugh is that they also like their own laughter. Besides that, he also liked the response of the people around him when he laughed.
Development of baby laughter from time to time
Once your baby understands the fun of laughing, he will do it more often, even for no reason. Laughter was happy and strange noises that came out when laughing made the baby feel even happier. Over time, he will learn to move his mouth and tongue to make a different sound of laughter.
As you age, laughter will emerge when he feels a pleasant sensation. For example, when you tickle or rub his stomach with a face. You can also stimulate baby laughter by asking him to play or show funny facial expressions. Not infrequently, babies can laugh when they fall asleep. This is normal and usually occurs when a baby is 9 months old.
What if the baby can't laugh?
Although most babies can laugh since the age of 3-4 months, actually babies can start laughing at any age. You do not need to feel anxious if your child has not laughed at 4 months, because there are still various other markers of baby development that you can make reference to.
At the age of four months, babies are usually able to smile spontaneously, follow the movement of objects with his gaze, recognize the closest people, love to play with other people, and speak out. If your baby has not laughed, he could have shown progress in other aspects.
There are several factors that can be the cause. For example, your little one may feel hungry or sleepy so it tends to cry when you try to make him laugh. Or, the stimulus you give may be too excessive, making it feel uncomfortable.
The ability of a baby to be able to laugh at any age is not the only marker of his cognitive development. Instead, you need to focus more on the ability of your little one to emit distinctive sounds, for example when he makes a shrill sound or tries to "chatter". However, every baby has a different nature.
Observe the development of your baby carefully. If he does not show any progress after passing the fourth month, then you can consult a pediatrician. The doctor can do further examinations to find out the cause.