After being born, you might catch some strange things that happen to your little one. For those of you who are the first to have a baby, this will definitely make you worry. It may occur on your mind if he is sick or feels uncomfortable. However, the condition of the newborn is not always a bad sign, really.
This condition may be common, it's just that you don't know it. What are the conditions of babies that often cause concern but are actually normal? Here's the review.
The normal condition of a newborn baby but makes you anxious

Having a small baby requires that you pay full attention to it. The goal, so you know how the health condition and growth of your child. Well, there are some conditions in a newborn that are actually normal but often cause concern, such as:
1. Cradle crap
Seeing a baby's crusty scalp certainly makes you worry. This is known as cradle crap or a type of seborrheic dermatitis. Although it causes reddish, dry, and flaking scalp, this condition is classified as safe and not contagious.
This condition in newborns usually occurs at the age of three months. However, it will disappear by itself in a few months or when the baby has reached one year.
Mary L. Gavin, MD, a pediatrician and member of the Children's Health System provides tips on caring for babies who have cradle craps, namely:
- applying baby oil around the peeling skin before bathing
- let stand a few minutes and gently clean the peeling skin so it doesn't stack
Perform this treatment regularly, which is two or three times a week. Even though it's normal, you still shouldn't consider it trivial. If the cradle crap doesn't disappear especially if you have taken care, then see your doctor immediately.
2. Slimy feces
The slimy feces is very closely related to diarrhea. However, in newborns, they may experience one or two bowel movements with slimy feces. This is a normal condition because newborns have not consumed solid food. When you enter the age of 4 months and above, the texture of the stool will become denser.
However, you need to pay attention to the possibility that slimy feces is a symptom of diarrhea or other digestive disorders. In addition to the liquid, feces will change color from brown to yellowish green. Water is also experienced by children more than 5 times a day.
3. Enlarged baby's breasts
The breasts will enlarge when the child experiences puberty. However, some newborns also experience this condition. Relax, the condition of this newborn baby is normal.
Breast enlargement may occur because the baby is still exposed to hormones in his mother. When pregnant, hormones in the body change so that it causes tissue in the breasts to develop and enlarge in size.
In small amounts, these hormones also flow with blood, oxygen, and nutrients into the baby's body when he is still in the womb. After being born, the hormone will cause the baby's breast size to be bigger.
No need to worry, within a few days, the effects of hormones in the baby's body will disappear and the size of her breasts will be normal. It's just that, if there are a reddish rash and a fever, go to the doctor immediately.
4. Strange head shape
You might notice if babies generally have a strange head shape. However, you do not need to worry about the condition of this newborn baby. Because this condition occurs because the baby has a soft head. When he is removed through the pelvis and vagina the shape will change.
Although a little strange, the shape of his head over time will get better. If the shape of the head does not improve too, consult a doctor to find out what caused it.
5. Babies make strange noises
As you cling to the baby, you may have heard the strange sound of the baby. His voice sounds like a strange, groan, or strange sound that makes you anxious.
Actually, the sound that comes out occurs because the nose of a newborn baby is still quite narrow. This causes part of the mucus in the nasal membrane to be trapped and create a strange sound effect.
If you are worried about the condition of this newborn baby, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. The doctor will help clean the baby's nose with the nasal aspirator so that the airway is more relieved. However, do not delay consulting a doctor, if you suspect that the sound is due to difficulty breathing.
6. Keep sneezing
Continuous sneezing is a typical symptom of a cold, flu, or allergy. But in a newborn baby, sneezing is not always a sign that he is sick. This sneezing occurs because the baby tries to clean the foreign particles that enter the nasal passages. This is also part of adjusting the baby to the surrounding air.
However, if the baby is constantly sneezing followed by other symptoms such as fever, then immediately do a doctor's examination. This helps you find and overcome the cause.
8. Baby stomps his body
Stomping movements are usually considered as seizures. In infants, this movement does not always indicate seizures but reflexes. This baby reflex helps to be part of his body's development. This movement will initially be seen randomly, but over time it will get better when he is 3 or 4 months old.
If the movement lasts longer than usual and the eyes do not blink, it can be a sign that the baby is having a seizure. Immediately do a doctor's examination for further treatment.
9. The genital organs swell
After being born, you might notice if the baby's sex organs swell, especially the testicles and labia (vaginal lips). The swelling is caused by exposure to hormones in the mother's stomach before she is born. It can also occur because of the accumulation of additional fluid in the baby's testicular sac.
However, you do not need to worry if the condition occurs in your baby. Within a few days, swelling will deflate the urine and water to bathe the baby. If the swelling does not improve, see a doctor immediately. Usually, this occurs in male infants and is called hydrocele.