Selasa, 01 Juni 2021

World end? After the retirement of Evos Donkey? | Spin

Not long ago, we were surprised by the farewell captions he wrote in an Instagram post by Evos Donkey. Of course, this is very surprising to many stakeholders, especially fans of Evos and Donkey himself.

Attention is focused on this post with a photo of the donkey who won the 2019 M1 World Championship. And in the photo, a caption with a message that can be said to be goodbye is embedded.

When that happens, the worlds of One, Oura, Lect, Lamp, and Donkey will disappear one by one. Earlier, Oura left Evos because she decided to retire.


After that, Donkey, who participated in Season 5 yesterday, focused on becoming a content creator after only playing a few games to protect Evos. But next season, it’s very likely that Donkey will actually leave the team with the Tiger logo.

With the exception of Oura and Donkey, he is in a dormant state to continue his education, so Luminaire is reportedly not planning to play next season either. If Luminaire and Donkey follow Oura’s lead, the only worlds are W and R, Wann and Rekt.

On top of that, of course, this farewell is very sad for the Evos fans themselves. Because we have to leave the best team Evos has ever had! The team that has grown the name Evos to the world level on an international scale with Mobile Legends. With this team, Evos eSports became the first team to win the 2019 M1 World Championship, the world’s tallest mobile legend event, followed by several countries.

In addition, during WORLD’s heyday at Evos, he also controlled the Mobile Legends Indonesia pro scene after winning the MPL ID Season 4 event some time ago. How do you deal with spinners? Do you miss this world team in the professional mobile legend Indonesian scene? Remember to stay on our website to get the latest news about eSports.

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