Selasa, 01 Juni 2021

After PB and COD, RRQ Endeavor will move to this game!

After PB and COD, RRQ Endeavor will move to this game! If you’re a fan of old school FPS games called Point Blank, you’ll of course know the great team of the time called Endeavor.

The Point Blank Pro Team, officially acquired by the RRQ Team, now known as the RRQ Endeavor, marked the era when we were first playing Point Blank.

The greatness of Endeavor players is still unforgettable. One of them is the god of AWP. Next Jack..

However, after seeing the Indonesian point blank scene for a long time, their careers began to decline.

Not because the poor performance slowed down the player’s career, but because the point blank scene / game itself was no longer in demand from Indonesian gamers.

The reason is that Indonesian gamers prefer mobile games to PCs like Point Blank.

RRQ Endavour, RRQ Endavour Valorant

RRQ Endeavor also needed to track the development of the game in Indonesia by moving to mobile games and leaving it at Point Blank.

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Read also: Loss of close-range competitive territory in Indonesia!

Move to COD Mobile

They chose to move to the COD mobile game, which was very enthusiastic in 2019.

However, COD Mobile’s popularity hasn’t lasted long, and it’s been proven that the name COD Mobile still appears to have disappeared from the Indonesian gaming industry.

Of course, to protect his career and popularity, RRQ Endeavor wants to move on to other games again and be known to gamers as before.

Move to Valorant

However, instead of moving to another FPS-themed mobile game like COD Mobile, RRQ Endeavor has moved to Valorant games.

By the way, the Valorant game itself is a PC game of the same genre as Point Blank and CS: GO. And other FPS games.

But the question is, given the low popularity of the game itself in Indonesia, will their career in Valorant last long?

It’s interesting to wait again for RRQ Endeavor to be in the eSports scene!Don’t forget to visit website Get the latest eSports news and follow us on Facebook!
